
The Lost Compass

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, there lived a young boy named Oliver. Oliver was known for his adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity about the world beyond his village. One crisp autumn morning, as the leaves turned shades of gold and crimson, Oliver set out on one of his usual explorations into the nearby woods. Armed with nothing but his trusty backpack and a sense of wonder, he ventured deeper into the forest than ever before. As he wandered beneath the towering trees, admiring the play of sunlight filtering through the leaves, Oliver stumbled upon an ancient, overgrown path. Ignoring the warning signs of danger, his curiosity piqued, he decided to follow the mysterious trail. Hours passed, and the forest grew darker and more unfamiliar. Suddenly, Oliver realized he was lost. Panic began to rise within him, but he forced himself to remain calm. Remembering the lessons his grandfather had taught him about survival, O

Good Luck Bad Luck Who Knows

 Once upon a time, there was a Chinese farmer who lost a horse He ran away and all the neighbours  came around that evening and said  "  That's too bad " and he said "Maybe" the next day, the horse came back and brought it with 7 wild horses and all the neighbours came around and said "Wow, That's Great! Isn't it?" and he said  "Maybe" The next day his son was attempting to tame one of these horses while riding it and was thrown off it and broke his leg all the neighbours came around in the evening and said  "Well, That's Too Bad! Isn't it?" and the farmer said  "Maybe" The next day, the conscription officers came around looking for the people for the army and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg the neighbours  came around in the evening and said. "Isn't That Wonderful?" and he said  "Maybe" The whole process of nature is an Integrated process of immense complexity... a

Nothing is more important than a missed opportunity

This short story is based on the real-life story of Bill Gates. It's just a conversation between the broadcaster and Bill Gates. One day there was a Broadcaster and she came to take an interview of the world's one of the richest people. In an interview with Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, the interviewer asked him, "Sir, what is the secret of your success ?" he gave her a cheque from his chequebook and told her to write down the amount she wanted. she said," I don't mean this sir," and then she repeated the question in another way. he gave her the same answer as he handed her the cheque she had refused to collect but she still declined. he tore the cheque and then he said to her. The  secret of my success is that I don't miss opportunities as you did now.. you could have been the richest broadcaster in the world . Moral of the story:- Nothing is more important than the missing opportunity in this world so never leave any opportunit


Once upon a time, there was a village. In that village, too many people were living there. Everything in this village was going right. After a few days suddenly heavily rained and the village was surrounded by flood water. Now the people of that village were scared and they were leaving this village slowly-slowly. But in that village, there was also a temple and in that temple, there was a priest who blindly believed in their God. The priest of this temple had lived too many years ago in that village and spent their whole life in that temple. That's why he believed blindly. Now each and every person in this village was leaving their home and going to another village. But the priest of that temple was not ready to leave and he was trying to stay there by just saying My God will save me. As the day passed the water level was rising day by day. All the people of that village suddenly remember that there is a priest who lives in the temple and who has helped too many people in this vil

Need Of Opportunity.

once upon a time, there was a king named Akbar. As we know Akbar is the greatest king in the entire history. He was famous for his bravery and his kingdom rule. Akbar's kingdom was very different from the other king's kingdom.  Birbal  or Raja  Birbal , was a Hindu advisor and main commander (mukhiya senapati) of the army in the court of the Mughal emperor,  Akbar . He is mostly known in the Indian subcontinent for the Folk Tales which focus on his wit.  Birbal  was appointed by  Akbar  as a Minister (Mantri) and used to be a Poet  Birbal (1528-1583) is surely one of the most popular figures in Indian history equally regarded by adults and children. Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly administrative and military but he was a very close friend of Akbar too because Akbar loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. He was a minister in the administration of Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the members of the inner council of  nine advisors. He was a poet and

An Old Man Lived In The Village

An old man lived in the village. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad... An old man lived in the village. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the viler he became and more poisonous were his words. People did their best to avoid him because his misfortune was contagious. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, when he turned eighty, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumor: "The old man is happy today, he doesn't complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up." The whole village gathered around the man and asked him, "What happened to you?" The old man replied, "Nothing special. Eighty years I've been chasing happiness and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That

The Opportunist Monkey

once upon a time, there was a jungle. The jungle was vast and in that jungle lot of animals were living. Among those animals, monkeys were very popular but in that jungle, every animal wanted to be the king of the jungle. Unfortunately, there is a forecasting happening among all the monkeys. There is a cap that will fall from the sky. whoever will wear the cap first will be the king of this jungle. Now nobody believed that the cap would fall but the forecasting happens as said and one cap fell from the sky in the jungle among the monkeys but no monkeys went to wear the cap. suddenly, one monkey jumps and wears the cap. After seeing this all the monkeys in the jungle were laughing too much. But the monkey who wore the cap replied to the monkeys who were laughing at  him. Listen,   all the monkeys as we know that this is the forecasting and in forecasting, we were told that the cap will fall from the sky so it fell and that whoever wears the cap first will be the king of the jungle. M

Pipeline Man
