Need Of Opportunity.

once upon a time, there was a king named Akbar. As we know Akbar is the greatest king in the entire history. He was famous for his bravery and his kingdom rule. Akbar's kingdom was very different from the other king's kingdom. Birbal or Raja Birbal, was a Hindu advisor and main commander (mukhiya senapati) of the army in the court of the Mughal emperor, Akbar. He is mostly known in the Indian subcontinent for the Folk Tales which focus on his wit. Birbal was appointed by Akbar as a Minister (Mantri) and used to be a Poet 

Birbal (1528-1583) is surely one of the most popular figures in Indian history equally regarded by adults and children. Birbal's duties in Akbar's court were mostly administrative and military but he was a very close friend of Akbar too because Akbar loved his wisdom, wit and subtle humor. He was a minister in the administration of Mogul Emperor Akbar and one of the members of the inner council of nine advisors. He was a poet and an author too.

It is believed that he was the son of poor Brahman of Trivikrampur on the banks of River Yamuna. According to a popular legend, he died on an expedition to Afghanistan at the head of a large military force due to treachery. It is also said that when Birbal died, Akbar mourned him for several months.

The exchanges between Akbar and Birbal have been recorded in many volumes. Many of these have become folk stories in Indian tradition. Birbal's collection of poetry published under the pen name Brahms is preserved in Bharatpur Museum, Rajasthan, India.

one day King Akbar was bored with his kingdom, so he kept an assembly of all the workers who had been working for their kingdom and ordered to his entire workers that if anybody out of them would make tasty food for me then I would give him the priceless prize.

This task was very easy every worker could do it easily, when the session started off making tasty food for the king everybody failed in making tasty food. Every worker was bothered by what can I do now and every worker left this task. After some the Birbal heard about it, and he accepted the challenge but he had some conditions for King Akbar. he said to King Akbar that I would make very tasty food for you but you have to fast for two days and then I would give you the tasty food which I will cook for you. The king Akbar got ready for that condition.

Now the time for Birbal how he will cook tasty food for him, but Birbal was very clever he cooked the food as usually he cooked and after two days the king was very hungry. Now Birbal presented the normal food in the front of king, and the king without wasting their time ate all the food very fast because the king was very hungry. The king said this food was too tasty, this food removed my hungriness. And the king gave the prize to the Birbal as he promised.

MORAL OF THE STORY:-if someone isn't hungry then you can't feed the world's most tasty food but if someone gets hungry then you can feed the normal food. 

MORAL OF THE STORY:-If someone doesn't need an opportunity then he can't take the world's best opportunity, so first of all make the gravity and create the need for opportunity then give, he will accept it.


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