
Once upon a time, there was a village. In that village, too many people were living there. Everything in this village was going right. After a few days suddenly heavily rained and the village was surrounded by flood water.

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Now the people of that village were scared and they were leaving this village slowly-slowly. But in that village, there was also a temple and in that temple, there was a priest who blindly believed in their God. The priest of this temple had lived too many years ago in that village and spent their whole life in that temple. That's why he believed blindly. Now each and every person in this village was leaving their home and going to another village. But the priest of that temple was not ready to leave and he was trying to stay there by just saying My God will save me. As the day passed the water level was rising day by day. All the people of that village suddenly remember that there is a priest who lives in the temple and who has helped too many people in this village so this is our duty to inform the priest that leave this temple otherwise you'll die in the flood. The priest of that temple was not ready to go and he said my god will save me. People left this village after it. The level of the water increased at the top of the stairs of the temple and the priest was still there. Then after a few days, a lifeboat came there and they also said please come with us otherwise you will die, the priest replied again same statement "my god will save me"  After a few hours requested the lifeboat also gone,

now the level of water rose to the top of the building and a helicopter came to save the priest but still the priest didn't ready to go and he said the same statement "My god will save me". In the end helicopter was also gone and the priest drowned down in the water and died after dying his soul went to God. when his soul met the god then he asked the god. God I worshipped you, I prayed for your whole life but when I was drowning then why didn't you save me, God. God gave him one slap and then replied, you think that in this modern age, I will come in the same embodiment as you worshipped me I came there 3 times but you didn't recognize me and were ready to go. The first is the whole people of the village come to you, the second one is the lifeboat came to you and the third is the helicopter but you didn't Go. Then he realized and now he couldn't do anything. So in the same way we also miss so many opportunities that we shouldn't.

Moral Of the Story:- Opportunity never comes from the front door it always comes from the back door and you have to recognize and grab it otherwise you will miss the great opportunity in your life.  


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